Tuesday, December 4, 2007

You're Listening After All!

I'd sort of abandoned the blog because I thought no one was reading it. Then today I learned that some of you are reading, so here I am again!

I've already sent home the spelling list, etc., so I'll just chat instead.

We want to send out good thoughts to our little Mai and her family as they leave for a visit in Viet Nam. We will miss her and wish her a very safe trip. It's hard to even imagine how far away Asia actually is!

Also we are hoping Miss Reese is feeling better soon. I don't like it when one of our own is sick. So take care of yourself, Reese. We'll be here when you are well again.

What else is new? Nothing much here. We put up a small tree this year. I thought it would make me sad to not see the big tree in the living room, but just knowing we only have to put away less than half of the decorations makes me happy. Next year Lily should be living in the states again. Maybe we'll put the big tree up again then. Or maybe we won't. Whatever happens is fine with me. I'm pretty easy to please. (Hmmm, why do I think Mr. Mau wouldn't agree with that statement?)

We are making a paper chain in our classroom. Each child gets a strip of paper for each time she or he reads at home. Today I surprised the boys and girls by turning the chain into the beginning of a paper chain tree that goes all the way from the ceiling to the floor. I did it while they were at music and gym. No, I should not be climbing on the desk, but at this point, what can it hurt, right? If we don't knock it down, it's going to be a Christmas miracle, but we're trying to be careful! If it does fall, it's no big deal. It's only paper.

I'm waiting to see if the big snow comes tonight. My mom thinks I'm crazy, but I love the snow! She and my dad live in Florida and they just don't know where they got this daughter who likes the winter. I don't know, either, but I love it!

My dogs are biting their blanket, so I guess that means it's time to feed them.

Peace out!

Mrs. Mau

PS. Here is a photo of Chris hanging the first ornament on our class tree.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

It's a Four Day Week

But we're used to this, eh? November is all about the crazy weeks.
This is a photo of my son in law, Will. He just got home (to Germany) after being in Iraq for 15 months. You have met Miss Lily. She still talks about you. Thanks for being such sweet kids and being so nice to her. You all rock!

Remember, next week is only two days long, but I have to get another shot in the back on Tuesday, so unless things dramatically improve, I won't be at school on Tuesday, Nov. 20th. Think good thoughts for me, will you please?

So here's the scoop. The spelling test will be on Friday, but oh my, it's an easy one! Just ten review words. Easy schmeasy, I'd say. Here they are:

1. tie

2. light

3. mail

4. day

5. barn

6. dark

7. hard

8. snow

9. soak

10. own

I'm going to also give you a list of our Robust Vocabulary Words and their definitions. They do look hard, I agree. But when we start talking about them, we find that they are all words we've heard and do understand. More on that later.

It was so nice to get to talk to all the nice parents at conferences. I realized that is the 22nd time I've done that. Wow! At the end, I am getting talked out and sometimes I lose my words. Thanks for understanding if you were one of the last ones and I said things like, "What was I saying?" ha ha. It happens every year.

It's almost Thanksgiving. Can you believe it? This year we are going to Natalie's house. She's our oldest daughter who lives in Chicago. I'm a teeny bit worried about the ride because riding in the car really makes my back and leg hurt, especially the day after the injection. I may have to let my son ride in the front and stretch out in the back. Yuck. I don't like that idea at all! I'm not going to worry about that yet, though. I'm just going to think about the good food and all the good stuff. I just love Thanksgiving.

Here's the vocabulary:

1. minor- If something is not too important, it's minor

2. previous- If something happened before something else, then it is a previous event.
3. priorities- If some things are more important than any other things, they are priorities.

4. extinguish- When you completely put out something, like a fire, you extinguish it.

5. hazard- Something that could be dangerous is a hazard.

6. efficient- If someone gets things done quickly, correctly and without trouble, that person is efficient.

7. instantly- If something takes almost no time to happen, it happens instantly.

8. drench- When you completely soak something, you drench it.

If your child told you about the word I accidentally said today, leave me a comment and there might be gotchas involved! (Hint: Don't try to say "Moo" and "Peep" too quickly. he he)

Mrs. Mau

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Is This Thing On?

ha ha
How is everyone? I suppose I should tell you what's been going on with me. I've had terrible back pain almost all of this school year. I tried just riding it out, but it finally got so bad it was in my hip and going down my leg. I had to give in and see an orthopedic specialist. We tried some things, but they didn't help. In fact, it was only getting harder and harder to make it through the day. The kids probably noticed the ice bag I so stylishly strapped around my waist.

Finally, last week I had an MRI and found out I have some bulging discs. I can't even tell you how good it felt to find out what the problem is and get on a path to correct it. Today I had a procedure with a really long name that I can't even remember, but what it was is an injection in my back. It might take three days to kick in, but I have a really good feeling that this is going to take care of it. PLEASE keep your fingers crossed for me. This has really made my life NOT fun, and as I told my doctor, all I want is my life back. (Gee, did that sound a bit dramatic to you? ha ha)

So if I've been a bit scatterbrained, please forgive me. Being with your beautiful children all day has been wonderful. I just want to be 100% again in ALL areas.

With that said, remember, there is no spelling test this week. We're using this time to finish up some loose ends and continue with some activities for our story, "Click, Clack, Moo, Cows that Type". We love that story so much!

In math, we are just beginning to work on adding tens. It's not an easy concept for most. A good way to practice at home is to add dimes to other coins. Like: "Here is 16 cents. How much will I have if I add ten cents? Twenty cents?", etc.

I'm off to get the ice bag. Let's hope there are no leaks this time.
Mrs. Mau

Wednesday, October 24, 2007


Please remember to send in any papers we can recycle. I think it's too late for us to actually win the school contest, but if we recycle, we all win!
I have a bag near my kitchen counter. When I get the mail, I stand next to the bag and drop in any junk mail, catalogs and magazines that I don't want. I've been bringing these to school and it's amazing how much paper comes into our house! Yikes!
I have also bought some reusable bags. I bring them with me to the grocery store, Walgreens, Target...just about everywhere I go. It has made such a difference! I saw a sign at Trader Joe's that said thanks to people using those bags, that ONE STORE used 18,950 fewer bags last month. It made me feel proud to have been one little person who helped!

In other news, tomorrow is "Wear something backward" day. I do not, however, recommend you wear your shoes backward. Ouch!

We met with our fourth grade buddies for a while today. Next week we will be writing a book to share with them. They may even help us if we run short on time.

Don't tell on me, but I skipped physical therapy tonight. I just have too much to do! My back will probably make me pay for this tomorrow, but I did some exercises on my own and I hope that's enough.

Happy Wednesday, all! See you tomorrow. Remember, it's a 1:30 release day for YOU, but not for me.

Mrs. Mau

Monday, October 22, 2007

Monday 10/22

This week's spelling words:


and the challenge words:

Beginning this week, those who got 100% on their pretest will not have to take the final test on Friday. You may still write the sentences to get the bonus points, but that's your choice.

Tomorrow is "inside out" day, so wear something inside out! (Not your shoes. That would hurt!)
Mrs. Mau

Sunday, October 21, 2007

How is Your Weekend Going?

I hope you're having a great weekend. Mine has been interesting. On Friday night, my big dog was unusually playful. Guess what he did. He SMACKED me several times. Really! He actually hit me with his paw. The final time was right in the face! Ouch! He was just playing and didn't mean to hurt me, but wow! That was a big surprise. I don't want to play that game any more, thank you.

Tomorrow is our field trip to the Rialto to see Flat Stanley. Do you think you'd like to be flat? It might be fun to slip under doors and be able to travel all over the world for just the price of a postage stamp.

Red Ribbon Week also begins tomorrow. Remember, we should wear sweats tomorrow. You might "get caught" and win a prize!

Mrs. Dooley and I have planned for you to get together with your fourth grade reading buddies for a little while on Wednesday. We will also be writing a story to share with them next week. Thursday is an early release day. YOU all get a free afternoon. We teachers have to go to school instead. Hey, that's not fair! ha ha

We have two tests on Friday. First is our spelling test, then the usual reading lesson test. The plan is to do the writing part together. I just hope we have enough time with all the events going on this week. We're pretty good at going with the flow, though, aren't we?

The photo above shows you the dog who got carried away with the playing on Friday. He is Wedge, an American Bulldog. He is the sweetest thing- such a good boy! We got him from a shelter two years ago. He weighs about 85 pounds, which is more than you weigh! He's usually very quiet, but I guess he was all excited the other night, for some reason. I was gone longer than usual because I had to go to physical therapy for my back. Nice way to show you miss someone, eh? Smack them in the face with your paw!
Mrs. Mau and Wedgie Boy

Wednesday, October 17, 2007


I want to tell you a secret.
Are you listening?
I think second graders just might be my favorite people ever.
You are all so smart and funny and kind. If I start out the day feeling a little sad, it doesn't take long for you to make me smile.
Thank you. I love you all!

And here is another secret for you:
Tomorrow there will be no homework. Get out there and enjoy the weather before winter comes. Most of us agreed that we do like winter, but it's a lot easier to play outside before you have to bundle up, right?

Maybe more later.
Mrs. Mau

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

And Tuesday...

Well, I tried to update this from school, but it seems that the host site is blocked there. That just means I will only be able to do it from home.In case you misplaced your list, here are this week's spelling words:
challenge words:

The spelling test will be on Friday, as usual.This week's reading lesson test is scheduled for Friday, but if it looks like we need one more day for the lessons, we will take that extra day.Remember, a good way to add quickly is to use doubles (3 + 3, etc.) or try to make a 10. Flashcards can help, too. There are many ways to make games with flashcards. It's fun that way!
Not much else is new. Lily and Nina are happy in Germany, but they miss us and wish they could have seen you all one more time before they left. Lily started preschool and she loves it! Have a good Tuesday night. See you in the morning!
Love,Mrs. Mau

I Posted This on Monday...

Welcome to our class blog. Please feel free to leave comments. I love it when someone talks back to me so I'm not talking to myself all the time!
I will put up the spelling words for each week, as well as anything we might need to know as the year progresses. I have a lot of ideas, now I just need about four more hours in each day. Yes, that would be perfect! If you know how to do that, please fill me in!
We are starting a new lesson in reading tomorrow. We'll be reading a story about a boy who learns to ride a bike without training wheels. Expect more predicting and reading with feeling. Our phonics lessons involve the long "a" sound using the ai and ay spelling. We're in the middle of our math chapter about addition. We've learned that if you know your doubles and how to make a ten, adding is much faster! After our test (it should be on Thursday), we will start a chapter about subtracting. Flash cards are always helpful!
Also new are our reading centers. We have Center Experts who help us if we have a question while Mrs. Mau (that's me!) is working with a small group.
Above, you see a picture of my pug, Carmen. I know we have a lot of dog lovers in our class, don't we? At least a couple of you also either have pugs or know pugs that you like, so here is mine. She is a year old and the best dog (most of the time).
Mrs. Mau and Carmen